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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tips before choosing the beatiful flowers (Valentine Tips)

Almost all men in the world to celebrate Valentine day race explore objects as the most fitting expression of love. The biggest options fall on the rose. From a variety of roses the most preferred by men is pink and red roses. However, not all post flower, chocolate and other things ending in success and romantic.

See some of the following tips before choosing the beatiful flowers for her:
1. Do not Always Rose: Did you know that roses, especially the red and pink have become 'interest of a million people'. Because many women are less like the flower market is this. If the flowers you want to be valued by her, try find out what type of interest that she was honored by the. Do not until she was very like the orchid and you deliver tuft of pink roses! In this way you become full of meaning or significance.

2. Away Day Reserved: If you really want to give flowers, order at least a week before Valentine day. You have to remember the men on that day will also order the flowers. If too close, a result you will get the flowers that are less good, almost faded, the color does not match, and especially if you use delivery service, the flowers late in the receiving!

3. Type of flowers : The flowers should not be a series of large and full. First, decide what type of interest that can represent your feelings. See and observe the various types of flowers and a series of offered. Of course this needs time, so can not be done suddenly. Two orchid flower stalks may be more an expression of shock on the big red rose.

4. Choosing Flower bud: In the days before Valentine almost all types of flowers, especially rose price rebound. From $ 1 the price in a normal day can become $ 2 in the days of Valentine. Therefore, try to get fresh flower so that hold up to a week to be admired by her. Choose a flower with a bud that has not been perfect but a little chap in the blossom end of the sheath and the interest rates meeting. The flower will bloom in a few days. Note the flower stalk, select the length of rod as a sign of interest is still new. A short stalk and a little browny indicates that flowers have kept long enough or have nearly faded because it has been cut several times stalk to maintain the refreshner.

5. Send to Office: If you want to post your flowers and create the success she is happy, do not send flowers to her house (especially in the morning once he was awakened before!!!). Because of the beautiful flowers that will only amazed by own and some people in the house. Should send flowers to her office! In the office she will not only proud and amazed, but she can put on the flowers to the entire office (even up to Security and Office Boy)!

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