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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Campaign Chrome, Google's Making dozens of Film

San Francisco - Google seems to start to promote they browser, Chrome. After the first launch in Chrome comic they released a variety of campaigns, is now business internet giant has launched this campaign to describe the various video severeness Chrome.

Some 11 short videos that will most entertaining guide consumers to know what capabilities Chrome. Films that are almost all animated be less than 2 minutes and attempt deliver messages with as possible.

Video, entitled 'Defenders in Tight', for example, try to show that there are security features in Chrome. The video titled 'Feature List' so it is likely the most effective in promoting the ability of any include in Chrome.

Quoted from TechRadar, Thursday (30/4/2009), each video maiking by different producer. But the theme of the same, namely that Chrome simplicity in the matter of browsing the Internet.

So far, Chrome really get enough good feedback from our users. For example, in relatively short time, the market share they have exceeded even Opera and the old in the browser business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing.. this post nice